Post by { ~ Ironhide ; ; } on Mar 14, 2009 12:48:45 GMT -5
Well, I got this idea from Birdy, really, from the old Sinjoenn. I was looking through posts and saw something with 'Dreams' and went to it, and found that Birdy had started a dream-telling thread Well, here we can continue it! Let's see if I can remember any dreams I've had recently...
Oh, and mine tend to sometimes be logical, and other times... not-so-logical xD Some are also violent-ish, and others are happy, while others don't really fall into a category. Well, the most recent one I had that I can remember I shall tell you about...
Encounter with Mewtwo (o.O)
I don't remember all of it, only some, but what I do remember is... uh... weird. Oh, and in this particular dream, I don't know if I was the one encountering Mewtwo, or if I was like, invisble and watching. (Like, different view-points in movies... this tends to happen a lot to me in my dreams for some reason.)
We were in this desert on a high cliff with no way to get down. There was an archway that towered over us, and suddenly I look towards it, and Mewtwo along with a few companions, which I cannot remember who or what they were, were there. I ran towards him and excitedly screamed his name. "MEWTWO!!!!!!!" and hugged him. He was like 'o.O' and asked "How do you know my name? I erased your memory," and I replied "You only erased some of it. I still remember how you were aggressive, wanted to take over the world and things like that, but that's all I remember,".
Small blank spot where I can't remember anything...
We, meaning Mewtwo and I, were fighting with someone. I remember looking over the edge of the cliff and seeing the bottom; it was like, over 100 miles down or longer. Someone attacked me, and Mewtwo said "If they die and have the stick with them, then all of us die," - by 'all of us' he meant all the Pokemon that were there. There was a glowing white stick that resembled a wand in my hand and the thing that was fighting with me (can't remember what) wanted it, I guess. So we had a brawl, and while the thing was hanging onto it, and flung them over the edge, and they fell the however-long-it-was down, but I still had the stick. Worried, I asked, "Wait, so, if the stick is ok, then you're ok, right?" and Mewtwo nodded.
That's all I can remember of that...
This next one is extremely vivid (can only remember a certain part of it), but I know it comes from watching The Transporter.
House On Fire For... No Apparent Reason That I Can Remember
I was hiding behind a desk in a house, and there were like, a zillion guys swarming around, looking for survivors to kill. I knew I needed to get up the staircase across the hall to get away from them, but I didn't know why... and, apparently, I didn't make it. The dream was really short, and I don't remember much else about it.
This next one seems oddly related in some way... I think it happened immediately following or immediately before the one above this one. This also kind of is like... related to the game The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion for XBox 360. Just for a certain part, though. It also ties in with... Pokemon Indigo, or something like that. Not everything (again) I can remember.
I was in a street and wanted to get to a building that looked like Hollywood Studios or something. There was this bridge over this small pond of some sort, and I decided to dive in. There was this bar at the top of the dream that showed how long I had until I had to resurface or I would start losing health (like on Oblivion). I saw a lot of Wailmer, Barboach, Chinchou, Remoraid, Magikarp, Poliwag, and so on under there. For some reason, I kept going up at last second and then diving back down for no apparent reason. I think I tried capturing a Pokemon, but all the Pokemon in the water turned on me and I ran away (lol).
Gap where I can't remember anything...
It led to something like dealing with Team Rocket/Galactic/Vex, something like that. We had to break in, and we got this like, really fat guy to do the job. He went in, and we could see through the walls, and he got abducted or something right before he came out with whatever it was he was getting, and I had a Cyndaquil with me who was freaking out.
That's about all I remember... it was oddly confusing because I didn't understand any of it, lol.
Alright, and the last one I have for now, is one that I've remembered since around 2nd grade (Now in 9th, lol). Don't know why this one in particular I remember, but I do...
A Mix Between Real Life, Family, Tarzan, Pokemon, and Bleachers At A Football Game
I was following Meowth from Team Rocket (this was when not even the second generation Pokemon had come out yet) and Nala and Kerchak from Tarzan. Nala and Kerchak were visiting for some reason, and they had just visited me. I got busy and didn't get to say bye to them, so I went after them, and Meowth trapped me in a cage and was laughing maniacally. I begged to him "Let me down! I need to see Nala and Kerchak!" and eventually he let me down. I was passing by the bleachers, and noticed my sister with a group of her friends (this was when she was in high school; she's now in her final year of college, graduating in a couple of months), and I remember thinking "Oh great... Meowth and Team Rocket brainwashed her, too?" because, for some reason, all the people in the bleachers were brainwashed or something. I continued on and kept on calling out to Nala and Kerchak "Wait up! Wait up!", but they never did slow down, or hear me. Right when I caught up to them, however, a wide hole in the ground that went on for miles on either side stopped me from reaching them. There were huge spikes on either side, so if you tried to jump across and failed, you'd... well... die. The last thing that happened in the dream was "Hey! A little help here?", and then I woke up crying. (Crying because I apparently was sad that I didn't get to say bye to Nala and Kerchak)
Completely random, and completely a mix on things, right? xD
Now then, hows about it from YOU? Anyone else had some off-the-wall dreams, or even any that sound the slightest bit unusual?